Here are music accessories I highly recommend and personally use.

Videos and more coming soon!

Mouthpiece Brush - Warm water and dish soap combined with this brush will do the trick! Recommend cleaning: mouthpiece every week to every other week.

Brass Saver - Use for Cleanings (Deep Clean Baths) Recommend Deep Cleans 2-3x a year

Valve Oil - Maintain valve operation with oil by applying once every 7-10 days.


Slide Grease - Maintain slide operation with grease by applying once every 1-2 months.

Practice mute - Use when practicing in an environment may disturb others. I’ve practiced on airlines with this while having someone sleeping next to me not being woken up.

MUTE ONLY (if not looking to use headphones):

This music stand will last a lifetime.

A place for your mutes to call home.

Trumpet Stand - Use for rehearsal or practice at home to encourage practice by keeping your trumpet out of your case safely.

For Beg. Students

For Int-Adv Students

Often referred to as the Trumpet Bible: Arbans is must have method book.

Develop sight reading with this method.

Work on Music Theory